“Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit….”
A holistic enzyme facial will incorporate raw organic plant material, powdered organic goats milk and a variety of wonderful healing clayw. An enzyme peel will provide one of the kindest methods of exfoliation for your skin.
Enzymes are like gifts from nature. In wanting to continue the practice of utilizing organic gifts from the earth,
How does an enzyme work?
Enzymes are protein-digesting extracts which disssolve away keritinized skin cells, or dead skin cells, at the skin’s surface.
How does an enzyme peel effect the skin?
Enzyme peels provide gentle exfoliation, purification, nourishment, as well as anti-aging benefits by encouraging rapid turnover and elimination of dead skin cells without striping the skin or dehydrating healthy tissues. When incorporated regularly into your skin care routine, ideally once a month, they can delay the appearance of fine lines, repair and heal uneven pigmentation or brown spots, discourage congested pores and plump the skin to reveal a radiant, more youthful complexion. Your skin feel satin-smooth, appear luminous and completely revitalized.
Which skin conditions benefit from an enzyme peel?
Every skin can benefit from enzyme peels, including people who cannot tolerate alpha, beta or salicylic acid peels. Skin that is very sensitive, acneic, dry, rough, photo damaged and sun damaged, including Retin-A users and those using Accutane for acute and cyctic acne conditions, can all benefit from an enzyme peel.
Are there side effects after an enzyme peel?
The are seldom side effects after an enzyme peel. Clients can experience temporary flaking and should avoid using glycolic, salicylic or Retinol products and excessive sun exposure for atleast one day pre and post enzyme peel.
So….“Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. It’s where all the fruit is.”
Make an appointment for a holistic enzyme facial today.